Rotoscoping in After Effects: A Beginner's Guide

A compositing program known as Rotoscoping After Effects is utilized in the visual effects, motion graphics, and composting fields. Rotobrush After Effects is typically used on large tasks like movies, television shows, and web videos. In many post-production situations, this program is used to manipulate imagery with a few effects. The layers of videos and images are also combined using this program to create a single scene. This program is regarded as a very flexible platform and is almost always used for motion graphics projects.

A Brief History of Rotoscoping After Effects

Early in the 1990s, After Effects entered the scene. Since then, it has developed into one of the most important animation software tools available globally. This software’s initial creator, the Company of Science and Art, also known as CoSA, produced two versions of After Effects and a few particular features. Soon, a firm called Aldus took ownership of this software and added new features like motion blur and multi-machine rendering to the program. Aldus, however, did not remain the owner of After Effects for very long for a variety of factors. After that, Adobe took over control intending to keep it; as a result, they still own this software tool. As a result, Adobe produced roughly 50 distinct versions of After Effects, adding new features with each update as time went on.

Rotoscoping in After Effects: Benefits

Let’s imagine that we categorize the main applications of rotoscoping in After Effects. If so, it can be divided into three categories: composting, effects, and animation. To comprehend why Adobe After Effects software is so popular, we will explore these three effects.


Typically, Motion Graphics, a particular subset of 2D animation, uses Adobe After Effects. In this kind of animation, some conventional static objects are given motion and movement, most likely emblems, texts, and numerous other elements connected to the graphical industry.


This software application is frequently used to create and supply visual effects for well-known movies and videos. The main goal of these effects is to conjure up specific fictitious items that are not part of the set. The most common ways to include visual effects in a scene include adding snow, fire, and water, or changing the items into other forms.


Another feature or advantage of the Adobe After Effects software utility is digital composting. The incorporation of multiple videos into a singular video output is the main goal of digital composting. Any movies may be displayed anywhere on the screen, whether they are layered on top of one another or not. Through the use of software, numerous videos are combined to create a single video product.


It is possible to define rotoscoping as an animation method that is frequently used by animators or visual artists to trace specific movie footage and create realistic scenes frame by frame. Simply put, it refers to using a matte drawing to distinguish between a shot’s foreground and backdrop. In the past, animators would trace pictures using the Rotoscope technique by projecting live-action movie stills onto a glass panel. Computers have since taken their place, but the technique is still referred to as rotoscoping. Rotoscoping, a term used in the visual effects industry, is the manual creation of a matter for an element over a live-action plate to composite the component over another background. Rotoscoping is a popular and effective visual impact technique in movies.

Important Considerations

Putting The Creation Of Keyframes First

Stewart claims that “Mattes will conform to the motion of the element for which they have been created, in a naturalistic and consistent manner—adding to the computer’s ability to interpolate between keyframes, which constitute less work automatically. resulting in a positive outcome every time. Movements that are striking are keyframes. Keyframes are drawn first by animators who work with figures, and “in-betweens” are used to smooth out the keyframe. Initial mattes are created by Roto Artists encircling keyframes.

Using Several Shapes And A Few Points

The most matte points, 24 mattes per second in each footage, are used by keyframes because they comprise complex shapes. The borders shift erratically. To maintain the matte’s shape after the settlement of multiple problems, they should be moved within groups. Rotoscoping uses shapes that are similar to those used in primary school art. The foundation is formed by the initial circumstances. You can roto complex motions with the aid of a combination of straightforward shapes in the matte, which doesn’t require any point-overuse activities.

Using Rotobrush In After Effects

If you work in animation or visual effects, you should rotoscope at least one image. In the end, there are three ways to rotoscope an image using the Adobe After Effects program. Masks, Rotobrush, and Mocha are the three techniques for rotoscoping in the Adobe After Effects software application. We will succinctly demonstrate each of these three rotoscoping techniques using the Adobe After Effects software application.


One of the most important tools in After Effects is the mask. the ancient method of rotoscoping in After Effects. A fundamental After Effects tool called masks enables animators to remove and combine various elements to create smoother transitions and accelerate motion design work. Understanding the fundamentals of how masks work and how to use them in Adobe After Effects are important for an artist working with the After Effects platform. Masks help determine the visibility of particular layer parts, which is very similar to the features of many famous editing applications.


It is quicker to rotoscope in Adobe After Effects using this technique. Animators and visual editors frequently use this feature in Adobe After Effects to add a green screen effect to a scene or shot that doesn’t already have one. To identify the edges of a pick, the Rotobrush tool also makes use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology. The following guidelines should be followed when using the Rotobrush tool:

  • To get a good option, the contrast adjustments should be made properly.
  •  Rotobrush propagation parameters customization is also important.
  •  The appropriate use of brush lines is another very obvious element.


Mocha, a plug-in included with the Adobe After Effects software, is a planar tracking and masking method. Within the After Effects Creative Cloud, it is included without cost. Compared to the Bezier handles of masks in the Adobe After Effects platform, this software tool has several benefits. The selection’s number of points can be changed with the aid of this utility without causing any havoc to the selection’s shape. For developers and editors to have a successful career in this area, understanding this approach and tool is very helpful.

Importance Of Rotoscoping In After Effects

The Indian and Hollywood film industries have gone a long way since they first encountered so many challenges. Rotoscoping is a method or technique used in animation because animator artists are in charge of recording live-action footage frame by frame to create an animation film. Before this, the animator artists anticipated and redrawn the captured live-action, which was projected onto a flashy glass screen. To create a matte painting for a component on a live-action plate to merge over another backdrop, rotoscoping is a strategic method or technique used in the visual effects business today. In live-action movies, the method Roto is used as a tool or device for visual effects. This suggests that cutting an image from a background foundation is how avant-garde art is accomplished. It is then replaced with the Roto technique, which is used in live-action movies as a tool or gadget for visual effects. This suggests that cutting an image from a background foundation is how avant-garde art is accomplished. It is then changed to a different new backdrop. In live-action movies, the method Roto is used as a tool or device for visual effects.

One of India’s top educational institutions offering visual effects classes is Arena Animation, located on Park Street in Kolkata. Thousands of students have been effectively prepared for careers in animation and filmmaking by Arena Animation. Arena Animation Park Street, uses cutting-edge instructional strategies that encourage creativity and an artistic mentality, paving the way for students to succeed.
